

1. Tajchman S, Lawler B, Spence N, Haque S, Quintana Y, Ateya, M.  Implementation and Use of Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies Programs in Practice: A Scoping Review of the Literature. Applied Clinical Informatics 2022.

2. Rodriguez J, Quintana Y. Understanding the social determinants of health and genetic factors contributing to the differences observed in COVID-19 incidence and mortality between underrepresented and other communities. J Natl Med Assoc., 2022.

3. Kim J, Quintana Y. Review of the Performance Metrics for Natural Language Systems for Clinical Trials Matching. International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) and IOS Press, 2022.

4. Godinho M A , Martins H, Al-Shorbaji N, Quintana Y, and Liaw S T. Digital Health Diplomacy” in Global Digital Health? A call for critique and discourse. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 29(5), 2022.

5. Godinho M A, Liaw S T, Kanjo C , Marin H , Martins H, Quintana Y. Digital Vaccine Passports and digital health diplomacy: an online Model WHO simulation. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 00(0), 2022, 1–6


1. Kim E, Grossestreuer A, Safran C, Nathanson L, Horng S. A visual representation of microbiological culture data improves comprehension: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 28(9), 2021, 1826–1833 doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocab056.

2. McCray AT, LeBlanc K. Patients as Partners in Rare Disease Diagnosis and Research. Yale J Biol Med. 2021 12; 94(4):687-692.  

3. Webb E, Balaji L, Nathanson LA, Balsari S, Dresser C. Who’s at Risk in a Changing Climate? Mapping Electricity-Dependent Patient Populations in a Coastal City. R I Med J (2013). 2021 Nov 01; 104(9):14-19. 

4. Borycki EM, Kushniruk AW, Kletke R, Vimarlund V, Senathirajah Y, Quintana Y. Enhancing Safety During a Pandemic Using Virtual Care Remote Monitoring Technologies and UML Modeling. Yearb Med Inform. 2021 Aug; 30(1):264-271. 

5. Figueiredo L, Makhni C E,  Dierks M, Ferreira C F, Finkelstein S.  Early cost estimating model for new bioabsorbable orthopedic implant candidates: A theoretical study.  J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2021 Dec;124:104731. doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2021.104731. Epub 2021 Aug 28.

6. Quintana Y, Henao J, Kaldany E, Gorenbeg M, Chen YP, Adra M, Lipsitzc L, Safran C. InfoSAGE: Usage Pattern of a Family-Centric Care Coordination Online Platform. Stud Health Technol Inform.  Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019 Aug 21; 264:1972-1973.  

7. Liao Z, Quintana Y. Challenges to Global Standardization of Outcome Measures. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2021 May 17;2021:404-409. 

8. Quintana, Y.  Leveraging data and information systems on the sustainable development goals. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2021.

9. Fite Z. B, Hinostroza V, States L,2 Hicks-Nelson A, Baratto L, Kalliano K, Codari M, Yu B, Jha P, Shams M, Stoyanova T, Chapelin F, Liu A, Rashidi A, Soto F, Quintana Y. Increasing Diversity in Radiology and Molecular Imaging: Current Challenges. Mol Imaging Biol., 2021.

2020 (18)

1.    Wisiewski H, Torous J. Digital Navigators to Implement Smartphone and Digital Tools in Care. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2020.
2.    Torous J, Vaidyam A. Multiple uses of app instead of using multiple apps-a case for rethinking the digital health technology toolbox. Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences. 2020;29:e100.
3.    Torous J, Myrick KJ, Firth J. Digital Mental Health and COVID-19: Using Technology Today to Accelerate the Curve on Access and Quality Tomorrow. JMIR. 2020;7(3):e18848.
4.    Tassone C, Keshavjee K, Paglialonga A, Moreira N, Pinto J, Quintana Y. Evaluation of mobile apps for treatment of patients at risk of developing gestational diabetes. Health informatics journal. 2020:1460458219896639.
5.    Rush B, Deol N, Teriyaki A, Sey M, Jairath V, Walley KR, Celi LA, Brahmania M. Lower 90-day Hospital Readmission Rates for Esophageal Variceal Bleeding After TIPS: A Nationwide Linked Analysis. Journal of clinical gastroenterology. 2020;54(1):90.
6.    Redfield C, Tlimat A, Halpern Y, Schoenfeld D, Ullman E, Sontag D, Nathanson L, Horng, S. Derivation and validation of a machine learning record linkage algorithm between emergency medical services and the emergency department. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA. 2020;27(1):147.
7.    Radhakrishnan V, Sharma S, Baca C, Torous J, Dunn E. Impact of Collateral on Emergency Department Length of Stay in College-Aged Patients. Psychiatric Quarterly. 2020:1-8.
8.    Powell AC, Torous JB, Firth J, Kaufman KR. Generating value with mental health apps. BJPsych Open. 2020;6(2).
9.    Moseley ET, Wu JT, Welt J, Foote J, Tyler PD, Grant DW, Carlson ET, Gehrmann S, Dernoncourt F. Celi LA.
     A Corpus for Detecting High-Context Medical Conditions in Intensive Care Patient Notes Focusing on Frequently Readmitted Patients. arXiv. 2020:arXiv: 2003.03044.
10.    MacWilliams B, McMulkin M, Saraswat P, Davis R. Center of pressure metrics derived from spatially registered typically developing data. Gait & posture. 2020;76:22-7.
11.    Hoffman L, Wisniewski H, Hays R, Henson P, Vaidyam A, Hendel V, Keshavan M, Torous J. Digital Opportunities for Outcomes in Recovery Services (DOORS): A Pragmatic Hands-On Group Approach Toward Increasing Digital Health and Smartphone Competencies, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Alliance for Those With Serious Mental Illness. Journal of psychiatric practice. 2020;26(2):80.
12.    Hilty D, Chan S, Torous J, Luo J, Boland R. A Framework for Competencies for the Use of Mobile Technologies in Psychiatry and Medicine: Scoping Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 2020;8(2).
13.    Fischer SH, Safran C, Gajos KZ, Wright A. Visualization of Electronic Health Record Data for Decision-Making in Diabetes and Congestive Heart Failure. ACI Open. 2020;4(01):e35-e43.
14.    Fernandes M, Mendes R, Vieira SM, Leite F, Palos C, Johnson A, Finkelstein S, Horng, S, Celi LA. Predicting Intensive Care Unit admission among patients presenting to the emergency department using machine learning and natural language processing. PloS one. 2020;15(3).
15.    Fernandes M, Mendes R, Vieira S, Leite F, Palos C, Johnson A, Horng S, Celi AL. Risk of mortality and cardiopulmonary arrest in critical patients presenting to the emergency department using machine learning and natural language processing. PloS one. 2020;15(4):e0230876.
16.    Cosgriff CV, Celi LA. Deep learning for risk assessment: all about automatic feature extraction. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2020;124(2):131-3.
17.    Blease CR, O'Neill S, Walker J, Hägglund M, Torous J. Sharing notes with mental health patients: balancing risks with respect. The lancet Psychiatry. 2020.
18.    Angell SY, McConnell MV, Anderson CAM, Bibbins-Domingo K, Boyle DS, Capewell S, Ezzati M, de Ferranti S, Gaskin DJ, Goetzel RZ, Huffman MD, Jones M, Khan YM, Kim S, Kumanyika SK, McCray AT, Merritt RK, Milstein B, Mozaffarian D, Norris T, Roth GA, Sacco RL, Saucedo JF, Shay CM, Siedzik D, Saha S, Warner JJ. The American Heart Association 2030 Impact Goal: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2020;141(9):e120.

2019 (17)

1.    Xiu H, Davis RB. Stable transitions between remote equilibria of post-buckled beams using piezoelectric actuation. Smart Materials and Structures. 2019;28(11):115007.
2.    Westberry DE, Davis RB, Binkley-Vance R, Westberry A, Wack L. In-toeing gait in children with clubfoot and the effect of tibial rotation osteotomy. Journal of pediatric orthopedics Part B. 2019.
3.    Varkaris A, Xu W, Davis RB, Healy B, McDermott DF. Combining Immune Checkpoint and VEGFR Inhibition in Favorable-risk and Elderly Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer. 2019.
4.    Schnyer RN, McKnight P, Conboy LA, Jacobson E, Ledegza AT, Quilty MT, Davis RB, Wayne, PM. Can reliability of the Chinese medicine diagnostic process be improved? Results of a prospective randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2019;25(11):1103-8.
6.    Redfield C, Tlimat A, Halpern Y, Schoenfeld DW, Ullman E, Sontag DA, Nathanson L, Horng Sl. Derivation and validation of a machine learning record linkage algorithm between emergency medical services and the emergency department. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2019.
7.    Quintana Y, Henao J, Kaldany E, Gorenbeg M, Chen YP, Adra M, Lipsitzc L, Safran, C. InfoSAGE: Usage Pattern of a Family-Centric Care Coordination Online Platform. Studies in health technology and informatics. 2019;264:1972-3.
8.    Quintana Y, Fahy D, Crotty BH, Gorenberg M, Jain R, Kaldany E, Lipsitz, LA, Chen Y, Henao, J. Safran C. editors. A Usability Evaluation of the InfoSAGE App for Family-Based Medication Management. ITCH; 2019.
9.    Molleman F, Javoiš J, Davis RB, Whitaker MR, Tammaru T, Prinzing A, Õunap E, Wahlberg N, Kodandaramaiah U, Aduse‐Poku K. Quantifying the effects of species traits on predation risk in nature: a comparative study of butterfly wing damage. Journal of Animal Ecology. 2019.
10.    Horng S, Joseph JW, Calder S, Stevens JP, O’Donoghue AL, Safran C, Nathanson LA, Leventhal EL. Assessment of Unintentional Duplicate Orders by Emergency Department Clinicians Before and After Implementation of a Visual Aid in the Electronic Health Record Ordering System. JAMA Network Open. 2019;2(12):e1916499-e.
11.    Holden SC, Manor B, Zhou J, Zera C, Davis RB, Yeh GY. Prenatal Yoga for Back Pain, Balance, and Maternal Wellness: A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study. Global advances in health and medicine. 2019;8:2164956119870984.
12.    Henao J, Quintana Y, Safran C, editors. An Informatics Framework for Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Monitoring. ITCH; 2019.
13.    Henao J, Quintana Y, Safran C. Alicanto Online Latin American Maternal Informatics Community of Practice. Studies in health technology and informatics. 2019;264:1676-7.
14.    Davis R, Norberg E, Fogh A. Estimation of genetic parameters for young stock survival in beef x dairy crossbred calves. animal. 2019:1-7.
15.    Borrat X, Celi L, Ferrando C. Técnicas Big data para el uso secundario de datos clínicos para la creación de conocimiento medico. La solución MIMIC. Revista espanola de anestesiologia y reanimacion. 2019;66(10):555.
16.    Bandeiras C, Cabral JMS, Gabbay RA, Finkelstein SN, Ferreira FC. Bringing stem cell‐based therapies for type 1 diabetes to the clinic: early insights from bioprocess economics and cost‐effectiveness analysis. Biotechnology journal. 2019:1800563.
17.    Bandeiras C, Cabral JMS, Finkelstein SN, Ferreira FC, editors. TESSEE–Tool for Early Stem Cells Economic Evaluation. Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing; 2019: Springer.

2018 (8)

1.    Rodriguez JA, Singh K. The Spanish availability and readability of diabetes apps. Journal of diabetes science and technology. 2018;12(3):719-24.
2.    Quintana Y, Martorell EAG, Fahy D, Safran C. A Systematic Review on Promoting Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV-infected Patients Using Mobile Phone Technology. Applied clinical informatics. 2018;9(02):450-66.
3.    Quintana Y, Crotty B, Fahy D, Lipsitz L, Davis RB, Safran C. Information sharing across generations and environments (InfoSAGE): study design and methodology protocol. BMC medical informatics and decision making. 2018;18(1):105.
4.    Pearson JF, Rodriguez JA, Safran C. Virtual Care as a Specialty. Jama. 2018;319(24):2559-60.
5.    Pandolfe F, Wright A, Slack WV, Safran C. Rethinking the outpatient medication list: increasing patient activation and education while architecting for centralization and improved medication reconciliation. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2018;25(8):1047-53.
6.    Odiaka E, Lounsbury DW, Jalloh M, Adusei B, Diallo TA, Kane PMS, Rockson I, Okyne V, Irusen H, Pentz A, Makinde I, Ajibola OH, Petersen L, McBride J, Petersen DC, Mante S, Agalliu I, Adebiyi AO, Popoola O, Yeboah E, Mensah JE, Hsing A, Fernandez P, Aisuodionoe-Shadrach O, Joffe M, Singh E, Gueye SM, Quintana Y, Fortier B, Rebbeck TR, Andrews C.  Effective Project Management of a Pan-African Cancer Research Network: Men of African Descent and Carcinoma of the Prostate (MADCaP). Journal of global oncology. 2018;4:1-12.
7.    Bearnot B, Pearson JF, Rodriguez JA. Using publicly available data to understand the opioid overdose epidemic: geospatial distribution of discarded needles in Boston, Massachusetts. American journal of public health. 2018;108(10):1355-7.
8.    Andrews C, Fortier B, Hayward A, Lederman R, Petersen L, McBride J, Petersen DC, Ajayi O, Kachambwa P, Seutloali M, Shoko A, Mokhosi M, Hiller R, Adams M, Ongaco C, Pugh E, Romm J, Shelford T, Chinegwundoh F, Adusei B, Mante S, Snyper NY, Agalliu I, Lounsbury DW, Rohan T, Orfanos A, Quintana Y, Jacobson JS, Neugut AI, Gelmann E, Lachance J, Dial C, Diallo TA, Jalloh M, Gueye SM, Kane PMS, Diop H, Ndiaye AJ, Sall AS, Toure-Kane NC, Onyemata E, Abimiku A, Adjei AA, Biritwum R, Gyasi R, Kyei M, Mensah JE, Okine J, Okyne V, Rockson I, Tay E, Tettey Y, Yeboah E, Chen WC, Singh E, Cook MB, Duffy CN, Hsing A, Soo CC, Fernandez P, Irusen H, Aisuodionoe-Shadrach O, Jamda AM, Olabode PO, Nwegbu MM, Ajibola OH, Ajamu OJ, Ambuwa YG, Adebiyi AO, Asuzu M, Ogunbiyi O, Popoola O, Shittu O, Amodu O, Odiaka E, Makinde I, Joffe M, Pentz A, Rebbeck TR. Development, evaluation, and implementation of a pan-African cancer research network: Men of African descent and carcinoma of the prostate. Journal of global oncology. 2018;4:1-14.

2017 (4)

1.    Sanchez L, Chiu D, Nathanson L, Horng S, Wolfe R,, Zeidel M, Boyd K, Tibbles C, Calder S, Dufresne J.
     A model for electronic handoff between the emergency department and inpatient units. The Journal of emergency medicine. 2017;53(1):142-50.
2.    Rotmensch M, Halpern Y, Tlimat A, Horng S, Sontag D. Learning a health knowledge graph from electronic medical records. Scientific reports. 2017;7(1):5994.
3.    Quintana Y, Crotty B, Fahy D, Orfanos A, Jain R, Kaldany E, Lipsitz L, Engorn D, Rodriguez J, Pandolfe F, Bajracharya A, Slack WV, Safran C. InfoSAGE: use of online Technologies for Communication and Elder Care. Building Capacity for Health Informatics in the Future. 2017;234:280.
4.    Ayers K, Li Z, Quintana Y, Villalobos AVK, Klosky JL. St. Jude Cancer Education for Children Program: the impact of a teacher-led intervention on student knowledge gains. Journal of Cancer Education. 2017;32(4):808-13.

2016 (18)

1.    Walker J, Crotty BH, O’Brien J, Dierks MM, Lipsitz L, Safran C. Addressing the challenges of aging: how elders and their care partners seek information. The Gerontologist. 2016;57(5):955-62.
2.    Torous JB, Chan SR, Yellowlees PM, Boland R. To use or not? Evaluating ASPECTS of smartphone apps and mobile technology for clinical care in psychiatry. J Clin Psychiatry. 2016;77(6):e734-e8.
3.    Torous J, Staples P, Fenstermacher E, Dean J, Keshavan M. Barriers, benefits, and beliefs of brain training smartphone apps: an internet survey of younger US consumers. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 2016;10:180.
4.    Torous J, Staples P, Fenstermacher E, Dean J, Keshavan M. Corrigendum: Barriers, Benefits, and Beliefs of Brain Training Smartphone Apps: An Internet Survey of Younger US Consumers. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2016;10:253.
5.    Torous J, Kiang MV, Lorme J, Onnela J-P. New tools for new research in psychiatry: a scalable and customizable platform to empower data driven smartphone research. JMIR mental health. 2016;3(2):e16.
6.    Torous J, Keshavan M. The role of social media in schizophrenia: evaluating risks, benefits, and potential. Current opinion in psychiatry. 2016;29(3):190-5.
7.    Torous J, Firth J. The digital placebo effect: mobile mental health meets clinical psychiatry. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2016;3(2):100-2.
8.    Torous J, Baker JT. Why psychiatry needs data science and data science needs psychiatry: connecting with technology. JAMA psychiatry. 2016;73(1):3-4.
9.    Torous J. Mobile telephone apps first need data security and efficacy. BJPsych bulletin. 2016;40(2):106-7.
10.    Safran C. Time for Transitions. International journal of medical informatics. 2016;100(92):v.
11.    Powell AC, Torous J, Chan S, Raynor GS, Shwarts E, Shanahan M, Landman AB. Interrater reliability of mHealth app rating measures: analysis of top depression and smoking cessation apps. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 2016;4(1):e15.
12.    Minen MT, Torous J, Raynowska J, Piazza A, Grudzen C, Powers S, Lipton R, Sevick MA. l. Electronic behavioral interventions for: a systematic review. The journal of headache and pain. 2016;17(1):51.
13.    Halpern Y, Horng S, Choi Y, Sontag D. Electronic medical record phenotyping using the anchor and learn framework. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2016;23(4):731-40.
14.    Gay K, Torous J, Joseph A, Pandya A, Duckworth K. Digital technology use among individuals with schizophrenia: results of an online survey. JMIR mental health. 2016;3(2):e15.
15.    Firth J, Torous J, Yung AR. Ecological momentary assessment and beyond: The rising interest in e-mental health research. J Psychiatr Res. 2016;80:3-4.
16.    Crotty BH, Slack WV. Designing online health services for patients. Israel journal of health policy research. ;5(1):22.
17.    Crotty BH, Anselmo M, Clarke DN, Famiglio LM, Flier L, Green JA, Leveille S, Mejilla R, Stametz RA, Thompson M. Opening residents’ notes to patients: a qualitative study of resident and faculty physician attitudes on open notes implementation in graduate medical education. Academic Medicine. 2016;91(3):418-26.
18.    Chiu DT, Solano JJ, Ullman E, Pope J, Tibbles C, Horng S, Nathanson LA, Fisher J, Rosen CL. The integration of electronic medical student evaluations into an emergency department tracking system is associated with increased quality and quantity of evaluations. The Journal of emergency medicine. 2016;51(4):432-9.

2015 (19)

1.    Torous J, Stern AP, Padmanabhan JL, Keshavan MS, Perez DL. A proposed solution to integrating cognitive-affective neuroscience and neuropsychiatry in psychiatry residency training: the time is now. Asian journal of psychiatry. 2015;17:116-21.
2.    Torous J, Staples P, Shanahan M, Lin C, Peck P, Keshavan M, Onnela JP. Utilizing a personal smartphone custom app to assess the patient health questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) depressive symptoms in patients with major depressive disorder. JMIR mental health. 2015;2(1):e8.
3.    Torous J, Staples P, Onnela J-P. Realizing the potential of mobile mental health: new methods for new data in psychiatry. Current psychiatry reports. 2015;17(8):61.
4.    Torous J, Padmanabhan J. Research by residents: obstacles and opportunities. Asian journal of psychiatry. 2015;13:81-2.
5.    Torous J, Franzan J, O’Connor R, Mathew I, Keshavan M, Kitts R, Boland R. Psychiatry residents’ use of educational websites: a pilot survey study. Academic Psychiatry. 2015;39(6):630-3.
6.    Sanchez V, Johnson LM, Kane JR, Kasow KA, Quintana Y, Coan A, Yuan Y, Barfield R, Church C, Hester M, Baker JN. Ethical decision making about end-of-life care issues by pediatric oncologists in economically diverse settings. Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology. 2015;37(4):257-63.
7.    Quintana Y, Safran C, editors. Global Challenges in People-Centered E-Health. MedInfo; 2015.
8.    Quintana Y. Challenges to implementation of global translational collaboration platforms. MOJ proteomics & bioinformatics. 2015;2(6):65.
9.    Pereira RD, Salgado CM, Dejam A, Reti SR, Vieira SM, Sousa J, Celi LA, Finkelstein SN. Fuzzy modeling to predict severely depressed left ventricular ejection fraction following admission to the intensive care unit using clinical physiology. The Scientific World Journal. 2015;2015.
10.    Joseph AJ, Tandon N, Yang LH, Duckworth K, Torous J, Seidman LJ, Keshavan MS. # Schizophrenia: use and misuse on Twitter. Schizophrenia research. 2015;165(2-3):111-5.
11.    Gundlapalli AV, Gundlapalli AV, Greaves WW, Kesler D, Murray P, Safran C, Lehmann CU. Clinical Informatics Board Specialty Certification for Physicians: A Global View. MedInfo; 2015.
12.    Firth J, Torous J. Smartphone apps for schizophrenia: a systematic review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 2015;3(4):e102.
13.    Firth J, Cotter J, Torous J, Bucci S, Firth JA, Yung AR. Mobile phone ownership and endorsement of “mHealth” among people with psychosis: a meta-analysis of cross-sectional studies. Schizophrenia bulletin. 2015;42(2):448-55.
14.    de Baca ME, Arnaout R, Brodsky V, Birdsong GG. Ordo ab Chao: framework for an integrated disease report. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2015;139(2):165-70.
15.    Crotty BH, Walker J, Dierks M, Lipsitz L, O’Brien J, Fischer S, Slack WV, Safran C, Information sharing preferences of older patients and their families. JAMA internal medicine. 2015;175(9):1492-7.
16.    Crotty BH, Mostaghimi A, O’Brien J, Bajracharya A, Safran C, Landon BE. Prevalence and risk profile of unread messages to patients in a patient web portal. Applied clinical informatics. 2015;6(02):375-82.
17.    Chan S, Torous J, Hinton L, Yellowlees P. Towards a framework for evaluating mobile mental health apps. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2015;21(12):1038-41.
18.    Bell SK, Folcarelli PH, Anselmo MK, Crotty BH, Flier LA, Walker J. Connecting patients and clinicians: the anticipated effects of open notes on patient safety and quality of care. Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety. 2015;41(8):378-84.
19.    Bajracharya AS, Crotty BH, Kowaloff HB, Safran C, Slack WV. Improving health care proxy documentation using a web-based interview through a patient portal. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2015;23(3):580-7.

2014 (25)

1.    Tosh PK, Feldman H, Christian MD, Devereaux AV, Kissoon N, Dichter JR. Business and continuity of operations: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement. Chest. 2014;146(4 Suppl):e103S-17S.
2.    Torous J, Keshavan M, Gutheil T. Promise and perils of digital psychiatry. Asian journal of psychiatry. 2014;10:120.
3.    Torous J, Friedman R, Keshavan M. Smartphone ownership and interest in mobile applications to monitor symptoms of mental health conditions. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 2014;2(1):e2.
4.    Torous J, Chan SR, Tan SY-M, Behrens J, Mathew I, Conrad EJ, Hinton L, Yellowlees P, Keshavan M. Patient smartphone ownership and interest in mobile apps to monitor symptoms of mental health conditions: a survey in four geographically distinct psychiatric clinics. JMIR Mental Health. 2014;1(1):e5.
5.    Torous J. Digital psychiatry in Asia. Asian journal of psychiatry. 2014;10:1.
6.    Torous J. Mobile technology and global mental health. Asian journal of psychiatry. 2014(10):69-70.
7.    Sands DZ, Wald JS. Transforming health care delivery through consumer engagement, health data transparency, and patient-generated health information. Yearbook of medical informatics. 2014;23(01):170-6.
8.    Safran C. Reuse of clinical data. Yearbook of medical informatics. 2014;9:52-4.
9.    Richardson SM, Kettinger WJ, Banks MS, Quintana Y. IT and agility in the social enterprise: A case study of st jude children’s research hospital’s “Cure4Kids” IT-platform for international outreach. Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 2014;15(1):2.
10.    Mohammad F, Theisen-Toupal JC, Arnaout R. Advantages and limitations of anticipating laboratory test results from regression-and tree-based rules derived from electronic health-record data. PloS one. 2014;9(4):e92199.
11.    McCray AT, Trevvett P, Frost HR. Modeling the autism spectrum disorder phenotype. Neuroinformatics. ;12(2):291-305.
12.    Hripcsak G, Bloomrosen M, FlatelyBrennan P, Chute CG, Cimino J, Detmer DE, Safran C, Edmunds, M, Embi, PJ, Goldstein MM, Hammond WE, Keenan GM, Labkoff S, Murphy S, Speedie S, Strasberg H, Temple F, Wilcox AB. Health data use, stewardship, and governance: ongoing gaps and challenges: a report from AMIA's 2012 Health Policy Meeting. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2014;21(2):204-11.
13.    Halpern Y, Choi Y, Horng S, Sontag D, editors. Using anchors to estimate clinical state without labeled data. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings; 2014: American Medical Informatics Association.
14.    Haller CS, Padmanabhan JL, Lizano P, Torous J, Keshavan M. Recent advances in understanding schizophrenia. F1000prime reports. 2014;6.
15.    Gardner RM, Safran C. Clinical informatics subspecialty certification and training. Informatics Education in Healthcare: Springer; 2014. p. 43-58.
16.    Fischer SH, Tjia J, Reed G, Peterson D, Gurwitz JH, Field TS. Factors associated with ordering laboratory         of high-risk medications. Journal of general internal medicine. 2014;29(12):1589-98.
17.    Fischer SH, David D, Crotty BH, Dierks M, Safran C. Acceptance and use of health information technology by community-dwelling elders. International journal of medical informatics. 2014;83(9):624-35.
18.    Feldman HJ, Somai M, Dweck E. A cannonball through the chest: disseminated tuberculosis, threatening the aortic arch. La Tunisie medicale. 2014;92(1):34-7.
19.    Feldman HJ. Response to letter to the editor. International journal of medical informatics. 2014;83(8):604.
20.    Crotty BH, Tamrat Y, Mostaghimi A, Safran C, Landon BE. Patient-to-physician messaging: volume nearly tripled as more patients joined system, but per capita rate plateaued. Health Affairs. 2014;33(10):1817-22.
21.    Crotty BH, Mostaghimi A. Confidentiality in the digital age. BMJ. 2014;348:g2943.
22.    Celi LA, Moseley E, Moses C, Ryan P, Somai M, Stone D,Tang K. From pharmacovigilance to clinical care optimization. Big data. 2014;2(3):134-41.
23.    Cady RG, Kelly AM, Finkelstein SM, Looman WS, Garwick AW. Attributes of advanced practice registered nurse care coordination for children with medical complexity. Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners. 2014;28(4):305-12.
24.    Cady RG, Finkelstein SM. Task-technology fit of video telehealth for nurses in an outpatient clinic setting. Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association. 2014;20(7):633-9.
25.    Baron JM, Dighe AS, Arnaout R, Balis UJ, Black-Schaffer WS, Carter AB, Henricks WH, Higgins JM, Jackson BR, Kim, J. The 2013 symposium on pathology data integration and clinical decision support and the current state of field. Journal of pathology informatics. 2014;5.

2013 (19)

1.    Safran C. Medicine based upon data. Journal of general internal medicine. 2013;28(12):1545-6.
2.    Rosenfeld L, Shepherd A, Agunwamba AA, McCray AT. Iterative evaluation of a web-based health information resource. Journal of health communication. 2013;18(8):974-90.
3.    McCray AT, Lee K. Taxonomic change as a reflection of progress in a scientific discipline.  Evolution of Semantic Systems: Springer; 2013. p. 189-208.
4.    Lakhani KR, Boudreau KJ, Loh PR, Backstrom L, Baldwin C, Lonstein E, Lydon, M, MacCormack, A, Arnaout R, Guinan, EC. Prize-based contests can provide solutions to computational biology problems. Nature biotechnology. 2013;31(2):108-11.
5.    Horng S, Pezzella L, Tibbles CD, Wolfe RE, Hurst JM, Nathanson LA. Prospective evaluation of daily performance metrics to reduce emergency department length of stay for surgical consults. The Journal of emergency medicine. 2013;44(2):519-25.
7.    Henning D, Horng S, Sanchez L. Evaluating how electronic charting affects resident productivity. Internal and emergency medicine. 2013;8(2):169-72.
8.    Geissbuhler A, Safran C, Buchan I, Bellazzi R, Labkoff S, Eilenberg K, Leese A, Richardson C, Mantas J, Murray P, De Moor G. Trustworthy reuse of health data: a transnational perspective. International journal of medical informatics. 2013;82(1):1-9.
9.    Fischer SH, Field TS, Gagne SJ, Mazor KM, Preusse P, Reed G, Peterson D, Gurwitz, JH, Tjia J. Patient completion of laboratory tests to monitor medication therapy: a mixed-methods study. Journal of general internal medicine. 2013;28(4):513-21.
10.    Feldman HJ, Walker J, Li J, Delbanco T. OpenNotes: hospitalists' challenge and opportunity. Journal of hospital medicine. 2013;8(7):414-7.
11.    Crotty BH, Mostaghimi A, Landon BE. Preparing residents for future practice: report of a curriculum for electronic patient-doctor communication. Postgraduate medical journal. 2013;89(1056):554-9.
12.    Crotty BH, Mostaghimi A, Landon BE. Preparing residents for future practice: report of a curriculum for electronic patient–doctor communication. Postgraduate medical journal. 2013;89(1056):554-9.
13.    Crotty BH, Mostaghimi A, Arora VM. Online identities of physicians. JAMA. 2013;310(23):2566-7.
14.    Courtney KL, Shabestari O, Kuo A. POND4Kids: A global web-based database for pediatric hematology and oncology outcome evaluation and collaboration. Enabling Health and Healthcare Through ICT. 2013:251-6.
15.    Cismondi F, Fialho AS, Vieira SM, Reti SR, Sousa JM, Finkelstein SN. Missing data in medical databases: impute, delete or classify? Artificial intelligence in medicine. 2013;58(1):63-72.
16.    Cismondi F, Celi LA, Fialho AS, Vieira SM, Reti SR, Sousa JM, Finkelstein SN. Reducing unnecessary lab testing in the ICU with artificial intelligence. International journal of medical informatics. 2013;82(5):345-58.
17.    Blanco R, Quintana Y, Blanco D, Cedeño M, Rengifo CE, Frómeta M, Ríos M, Rengifo E, Carr A. Tissue reactivity of the 14F7 Mab raised against N-Glycolyl GM3 ganglioside in tumors of Neuroectodermal, mesodermal, and epithelial origin. Journal of biomarkers. 2013;2013.
18.    Arnaout RA. Pricing Out Prescription Genomic Medicine: Predictive Modeling Helps Determine the Impact of Genomic Research on Future Health. Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News. 2013;33(5):6-8.
19.    Armstrong K, Keating NL, Landry M, Crotty BH, Phillips RS, Selker HP. Academic general internal medicine: a mission for the future. Journal of general internal medicine. 2013;28(6):845-51.

2012 (11)

1.    Slack WV, Kowaloff HB, Davis RB, Delbanco T, Locke SE, Safran C, Bleich H. Evaluation of computer-based medical histories taken by patients at home. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2012;19(4):545-8.
2.    Santiago TC, Jenkins JJ, Pedrosa F, Billups C, Quintana Y, Ribeiro RC, Qaddoumi I. Improving the histopathologic diagnosis of pediatric malignancies in a low‐resource setting by combining focused training and telepathology strategies. Pediatric blood & cancer. 2012;59(2):221-5.
3.    Quintana Y, Van Kirk Villalobos A, Li Z, Kumar Srivastava D, Ribeiro RC. Cure4Kids for Kids: preliminary results on evaluating knowledge acquisition and knowledge retention. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2012;172:120-8.
4.    Perakslis ED, Quintana Y. The global need for education on cancer health. Studies in health technology and informatics. 2012;172:3-8.
5.    Horng S, Goss FR, Chen RS, Nathanson LA. Prospective pilot study of a tablet computer in an Emergency Department. International journal of medical informatics. 2012;81(5):314-9.
6.    Frost HR, McCray AT. Markov Chain Ontology Analysis (MCOA). BMC bioinformatics. 2012;13:23.
7.    Feldman HJ, Al-Jalahma H, Al-Ali R, Reti S. Faxed Arabic prescriptions: a medication error waiting to happen? International journal of medical informatics. 2012;81(3):192-5.
8.    Durant KT, McCray AT, Safran C. Identifying gender-preferred communication styles within online cancer communities: a retrospective, longitudinal analysis. PloS one. 2012;7(11):e49169.
9.    Delbanco T, Walker J, Bell SK, Darer JD, Elmore JG, Farag N, Feldman, HJ, Mejilla R, Ngo L, Ralston JD, Ross S E, Trivedi N, Vodicka E, Leveille SG. Inviting patients to read their doctors' notes: a quasi-experimental study and a look ahead. Annals of internal medicine. 2012;157(7):461-70.
10.    Callaway DW, Peabody CR, Hoffman A, Cote E, Moulton S, Baez AA, Nathanson L. Disaster mobile health technology: lessons from Haiti. Prehospital and disaster medicine. 2012;27(2):148-52.
11.    AlFaar AS, Kamal S, AbouElnaga S, Greene WL, Quintana Y, Ribeiro RC, Qaddoumi IA. International telepharmacy education: another venue to improve cancer care in the developing world. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2012;18(6):470-4.

2011 (12)

1.    Slack CW, Slack WV, editors. The united countries of America: benchmarking the quality of US health care. Mayo Clinic Proceedings; 2011: Elsevier.
2.    Reti SR, Feldman HJ, Safran C. Online access and literacy in Maori New Zealanders with diabetes. Journal of primary health care. 2011;3(3):190-1.
3.    Reti S, Feldman H, Safran C. Online access and literacy in Maori New Zealanders with diabetes. Journal of primary health care. 2011;3(3):190-1.
4.    Qaddoumi I, Unal E, Diez B, Kebudi R, Quintana Y, Bouffet E, Chantada G. Web-based survey of resources for treatment and long-term follow-up for children with brain tumors in developing countries. Child's Nervous System. 2011;27(11):1957-61.
5.    Mostaghimi A, Crotty BH. Professionalism in the digital age. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2011;154(8):560-2.
6.    Gray JE, Feldman H, Reti S, Markson L, Lu X, Davis RB, Safran C. Using Digital Crumbs from an Electronic Health Record to identify, study and improve health care teams. AMIA Annual Symposium proceedings AMIA Symposium. 2011;2011:491-500.
7.    Gray JE, Feldman H, Reti S, Markson L, Lu X, Davis RB, Safran CA. editors. Using Digital Crumbs from an Electronic Record to identify, study and improve health care teams. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings; 2011: American Medical Informatics Association.
8.    Geva A, Wright SB, Baldini LM, Smallcomb JA, Safran C, Gray JE. Spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a large tertiary NICU: network analysis. Pediatrics. 2011;128(5):e1173-e80.
9.    Garrett NY, Mishra N, Nichols B, Staes CJ, Akin C, Safran C. Characterization of public health alerts and their suitability for alerting in electronic health record systems. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 2011;17(1):77-83.
10.    Eamranond PP, Davis RB, Phillips RS, Wee CC. Patient-physician language concordance and primary care screening among spanish-speaking patients. Medical care. 2011;49(7):668-72.
11.    Durant KT, McCray AT, Safran C. Identifying temporal changes and topics that promote growth within online communities: a prospective study of six online cancer forums. International Journal of Computational Models and Algorithms in Medicine (IJCMAM). 2011;2(2):1-22.
12    Crotty BH, Mostaghimi A, Reynolds EE. Adoption of a wiki within a large internal medicine residency program: a 3-year experience. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2011;19(4):621-5.

2010 (14)

1.    Slack WV, Kowaloff HB, Davis RB, Delbanco T, Locke SE, Bleich HL. Test—retest reliability in a computer-based medical history. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2010;18(1):73-6.
2.    Slack WV, editor Patient-computer dialogue: a hope for the future. Mayo Clinic Proceedings; 2010: Elsevier.
3.    Ritu Agarwal MBA, Sands DZ, Jorge Díaz Schneider Bs MBA. Quantifying the economic impact of communication inefficiencies in US hospitals. Journal of Healthcare Management. 2010;55(4):265.
4.    Reti SR, Feldman HJ, Ross SE, Safran C. Improving personal health records for patient-centered care. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2010;17(2):192-5.
5.    Mostaghimi A, Crotty BH, Landon BE. The availability and nature of physician information on the internet. Journal of general internal medicine. 2010;25(11):1152-6.
6.    Miranda DL, Rainbow MJ, Leventhal EL, Crisco JJ, Fleming BC. Automatic determination of anatomical coordinate systems for three-dimensional bone models of the isolated human knee. Journal of biomechanics. 2010;43(8):1623-6.

7.    Leffler DA, Kheraj R, Garud S, Neeman N, Nathanson LA, Kelly CP, Sawhney M,Landon B, Doyle R, Rosenberg S. The incidence and cost of unexpected hospital use after scheduled outpatient endoscopy. Archives of internal medicine. 2010;170(19):1752-7.
8    Goodman KW, Berner ES, Dente MA, Kaplan B, Koppel R, Rucker D, Sands D, Winkelstein P. Challenges in ethics, safety, best practices, and oversight regarding HIT vendors, their customers, and patients: a report of an AMIA special task force. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2010;18(1):77-81.
9.    Durant KT, McCray AT, Safran C. Social network analysis of an online melanoma discussion group. Summit on Translational Bioinformatics. 2010;2010:6.
10.    Dierks MM, Huang ZS, Siracuse JJ, Tolchin S, Moorman DW. Diagnostic, surgical judgment, and systems issues leading to reoperation: mining administrative databases. The American Journal of Surgery. 2010;199(3):324-30.
11.    Delgado E, Barfield RC, Baker JN, Hinds PS, Yang J, Nambayan A, Quintana Y, Kane JR. Availability of palliative care services children with cancer in economically diverse regions of the world. European Journal of Cancer. 2010;46(12):2260-6.
12.    Delbanco T, Walker J, Darer JD, Elmore JG, Feldman HJ, Leveille SG, Ralston JD, Ross SE, Vodicka E, Weber VD. Open notes: doctors and patients signing on. Annals of internal medicine. 2010;153(2):121-5.
13.    Cartreine JA, Ahern DK, Locke SE. A roadmap to computer-based psychotherapy in the United States. Harvard review of psychiatry. 2010;18(2):80-95.
14.    Bleich HL, Slack WV. Reflections on electronic medical records: when doctors will use them and when they will not. International journal of medical informatics. 2010;79(1):1-4.

2009 (6)

1.    Vizenor LT, Bodenreider O, McCray AT. Auditing associative relations across two knowledge sources. Journal of biomedical informatics. 2009;42(3):426-39.
2.    Safran C, Shabot MM, Munger BS, Holmes JH, Steen EB, Lumpkin JR, Detmer DE. Program requirements for fellowship education in the subspecialty of clinical informatics. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2009;16(2):158-66.
3.    Reti SR, Feldman HJ, Safran C. Governance for personal health records. Journal of the American Medical      Association : JAMIA. 2009;16(1):14-7.
4.    Marin HF, Safran C. Celebrating health informatics--a sampling of MEDINFO 2007. International journal of medical informatics. 2009;78 Suppl 1:S1-2.
5.    Kamholz KL, Cole CH, Gray JE, Zupancic JA. Cost-effectiveness of early treatment for retinopathy of prematurity. Pediatrics. 2009;123(1):262-9.
6.    Berkman M, Ufberg J, Nathanson LA, Shapiro NI. Anion gap as a screening tool for elevated lactate in patients with an increased risk of developing sepsis in the Emergency Department. The Journal of emergency medicine. 2009;36(4):391-4.

2008 (5)

1.    Wayne PM, Pensack LM, Connors EM, Buring JE, Davis RB, Schachter SC, Hrbek A, Kaptchuk TJ, Andrews SM.
     Increasing research capacity at the New England School of Acupuncture: building grants management infrastructure. Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine. 2008;14(1).
2.    Wayne PM, Buring JE, Davis RB, Andrews SM, John MS, Conboy L, Kerr CE, Kaptchuk TJ, Schachter SC.
Increasing research capacity at the New England School of Acupuncture through faculty and student research training initiatives. Alternative therapies in health and medicine. 2008;14(2):52.
3.    Sands DZ. ePatients: engaging patients in their own care. Medscape journal of medicine. 2008;10(1):19.
4.    Halamka JD, Mandl KD, Tang PC. Early experiences with personal health records. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2008;15(1):1-7.
5.    Gray J, Geva A, Zheng Z, Zupancic JA. CoolSim: using industrial modeling techniques to examine the impact of selective head cooling in a model of perinatal regionalization. Pediatrics. 2008;121(1):28-36.

2007 (8)

1.    Slack WV. Cybermedicine for the patient. American journal of preventive medicine. 2007;32(5 Suppl):S135-6.
2.    Schachter AD, Ramoni MF, Baio G, Roberts TG, Jr., Finkelstein SN. Economic evaluation of a Bayesian model to predict late-phase success of new chemical entities. Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. 2007;10(5):377-85.
3.    Safran C, Bloomrosen M, Hammond WE, Labkoff S, Markel-Fox S, Tang PC, Detmer DE, Expert P. Toward a national framework for the secondary use of health data: an American Medical Informatics Association White Paper. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2007;14(1):1-9.
4.    McGillicuddy DC, Shah KH, Friedberg RP, Nathanson LA, Edlow JA. How sensitive is the synovial fluid white blood cell count in diagnosing septic arthritis? The American journal of emergency medicine. 2007;25(7):749-52.
5.    Marin HF. Nursing Informatics: advances and trends to improve health care quality. International journal of medical informatics. 2007;76 Suppl 2:S267-9.
6.    Farzanfar R, Stevens A, Vachon L, Friedman R, Locke SE. Design and development of a mental health assessment and intervention system. Journal of medical systems. 2007;31(1):49-62.
7.    Engel CC, Locke S, Reissman DB, DeMartino R, Kutz I, McDonald M, Barsky AJ. Terrorism, trauma, and mass casualty triage: how might we solve the latest mind-body problem? Biosecurity and bioterrorism: biodefense strategy, practice, and science. 2007;5(2):155-63.
8.    Cantor MN, Feldman HJ, Triola MM. Using trigger phrases to detect adverse drug reactions in ambulatory care notes. Quality & safety in health care. 2007;16(2):132-4.

2006 (15)

1.    Weingart SN, Rind D, Tofias Z, Sands DZ. Who uses the patient internet portal? The PatientSite experience. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA. 2006;13(1):91-5.
2.    Vizenor L, Bodenreider O, Peters L, McCray AT. Enhancing biomedical ontologies through alignment of semantic relationships: exploratory approaches. AMIA Annual Symposium proceedings AMIA Symposium. 2006:804-8.
3.    Triola M, Feldman H, Kalet AL, Zabar S, Kachur EK, Gillespie C, Anderson M, Griesser C, Lipkin M.
A randomized trial of teaching clinical skills using virtual and live standardized patients. Journal of general internal medicine. 2006;21(5):424-9.
4.    Tang PC, Ash JS, Bates DW, Overhage JM, Sands DZ. Personal health records: definitions, benefits, and strategies for overcoming barriers to adoption. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2006;13(2):121-6.
5.    Miller RA, Groth T, Hasman A, Safran C, Shortliffe EH, Haux R, McCray A. On exemplary scientific conduct regarding submission of manuscripts to biomedical informatics journals. Methods of information in medicine. 2006;45(1):1-3.
6.    McCray AT. Conceptualizing the world: lessons from history. Journal of biomedical informatics. 2006;39(3):267-73.
7.    Locke SE. Psychosomatic medicine and biodefense preparedness--a new role for the American Psychosomatic Society. Psychosomatic medicine. 2006;68(5):698-705.
8.    Haux R, Hasman A, McCray AT, van der Lei J. Is medical informatics an art or a science? Methods of Information in Medicine. 2006;45(06):651-5.
9.    Hasman A, Bergemann D, McCray AT, Talmon JL, Zvarova J. Triangulation applied to Jan H. van Bemmel. Methods of information in medicine. 2006;45(6):656-67.
10.    Halamka J, Juels A, Stubblefield A, Westhues J. The security implications of VeriChip cloning. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2006;13(6):601-7.
11.    Halamka J, Aranow M, Ascenzo C, Bates DW, Berry K, Debor G, Fefferman J, Glaser J, Heinold J, Stanley J, Stone DL, Sullivan TE, Tripathi M, Wilkinson B. E-Prescribing collaboration in Massachusetts: early experiences from regional prescribing projects. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2006;13(3):239-44.
12.    Halamka J. Early experiences with E-prescribing. Journal of healthcare information management : JHIM. 2006;20(2):12-4.
13.    Halamka J. Early experiences with positive patient identification. Journal of healthcare information management : JHIM. 2006;20(1):25-7.
14.    Gray JE, Suresh G, Ursprung R, Edwards WH, Nickerson J, Shiono PH, Plsek P, Goldmann DA, Horbar J.
Patient misidentification in the neonatal intensive care unit: quantification of risk. Pediatrics. 2006;117(1):e43-7.
15.    Fomous C, Mitchell JA, McCray A. 'Genetics home reference': helping patients understand the role of genetics in health and disease. Community genetics. 2006;9(4):274-8.

2005 (15)

1.    Weingart SN, Pagovich O, Sands DZ, Li JM, Aronson MD, Davis RB, Bates D W, Phillips RS. What can hospitalized patients tell us about adverse events? Learning from patient-reported incidents. Journal of general internal medicine. 2005;20(9):830-6.
2.    Safran C, Pompilio-Weitzner G, Emery KD, Hampers L. A Medicaid eHealth program: an analysis of benefits to users and nonusers. AMIA  Annual Symposium proceedings AMIA Symposium. 2005:659-63.
3.    Safran C, Pompilio-Weitzner G, Emery KD, Hampers L. Collaborative Approaches to e-Health: Valuable for Users and Non-users. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2005;116:879-84.
4.    Safran C, Detmer DE. Computerized physician order entry systems and medication errors. Jama. 2005;294(2):179; author reply 80-1.
5.    McLaughlin TJ, Aupont O, Bambauer KZ, Stone P, Mullan MG, Colagiovanni Polishuk E, Johnstone, M J, Locke SE. Improving psychologic adjustment to chronic illness in cardiac patients. The role of depression and anxiety. Journal of general internal medicine. 2005;20(12):1084-90.
6.    McCray AT. Promoting health literacy. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2005;12(2):152-63.
7.    Marin HF. Nursing informatics: current issues around the world. International journal of medical informatics. 2005;74(11-12):857-60.
8.    Marin HF. New frontiers for nursing and health care informatics. International journal of medical informatics. 2005;74(7-8):695-704.
9.    Halamka J, Overhage JM, Ricciardi L, Rishel W, Shirky C, Diamond C. Exchanging health information: local distribution, national coordination. Health Affairs. 2005;24(5):1170-9.
10.    Halamka J, Aranow M, Ascenzo C, Bates D, Debor G, Glaser J, Goroll A, Stowe J,ripathi M, Vineyard G. Health care IT collaboration in Massachusetts: the experience of creating regional connectivity. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2005;12(6):596-601.
11.    Halamka J. [Electronic health record and revolution of clinical information technology current status and future impact]. Zhonghua yi xue za zhi. 2005;85(22):1513-5.
12.    Detmer DE, Safran C. AMIA's White Paper Policy Series on Timely Issues in Informatics. BMJ Group BMA House, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JR; 2005.
13.    Carter JA, Buckey JC, Greenhalgh L, Holland AW, Hegel MT. An interactive media program for managing psychosocial problems on long-duration spaceflights. Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. 2005;76(6 Suppl):B213-23.
14.    Bambauer KZ, Locke SE, Aupont O, Mullan MG, McLaughlin TJ. Using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale to screen for depression in cardiac patients. General hospital psychiatry. 2005;27(4):275-84.
15.    Bambauer KZ, Aupont O, Stone PH, Locke SE, Mullan MG, Colagiovanni J, McLaughlin TJ. The effect of a telephone counseling intervention on self-rated health of cardiac patients. Psychosomatic medicine. 2005;67(4):539-45.

2004 (10)

1.    Weedn VW, McDonald MD, Locke SE, Schreiber M, Friedman RH, Newell RG, Temoshok LR. Managing the community response to bioterrorist threats. IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine: the quarterly magazine of the Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society. 2004;23(1):162-70.
2.    Triola MM, Feldman JJ, Kachur E, Holloway WJ, Friedman BS. A novel feedback system for virtual patient interactions. MEDINFO. 2004:1886.
3.    Triola MM, Feldman HJ, Pearlman EB, Kalet AL. Meeting requirements and changing culture. The of a web-based clinical skills evaluation system. Journal of general internal medicine. 2004;19(5 Pt 2):492-5.
4.    Slack WV. A 67-year-old man who e-mails his physician. Jama. 2004;292(18):2255-61.
5.    Sands DZ. Help for physicians contemplating use of e-mail with patients. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2004;11(4):268-9.
6.    Locke SE, McDonald MD, Reissman DB. The Psychosocial Dimensions of Biodefense Preparedness and Response A Call for Strategic Systems. 2004.
7.    Houston TK, Sands DZ, Jenckes MW, Ford DE. Experiences of patients who were early adopters of electronic communication with their physician: satisfaction, benefits, and concerns. The American journal of managed care. 2004;10(9):601-8.
8.    Gray JE, Goldmann DA. Medication errors in the neonatal intensive care unit: special patients, unique issues. Archives of disease in childhood Fetal and neonatal edition. 2004;89(6):F472-3.
9.    Goldsmith D, McDermott D, Safran C. Improving cancer related symptom management with collaborative healthware. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2004;107(Pt 1):217-21.
10.    Delbanco T, Sands DZ. Electrons in flight--e-mail between doctors and patients. The New England journal of medicine. 2004;350(17):1705-7.

2003 (7)

1.    Safran C. The collaborative edge: patient empowerment for vulnerable populations. International journal of medical informatics. 2003;69(2-3):185-90.
2.    Rosen MP, Siewert B, Sands DZ, Bromberg R, Edlow J, Raptopoulos V. Value of abdominal CT in the emergency department for patients with abdominal pain. European radiology. 2003;13(2):418-24.
3.    McClennen S, Halamka JD, Horowitz GL, Kannam JP, Ho KK. Clinical prevalence and ramifications of false-positive cardiac troponin I elevations from the Abbott AxSYM Analyzer. The American journal of cardiology. 2003;91(9):1125-7.
4.    Huang GC, Loo TS, Sands DZ. Housestaff use of medical references in ambulatory care. AMIA Annual         proceedings AMIA Symposium. 2003:869.
5.    Houston TK, Sands DZ, Nash BR, Ford DE. Experiences of physicians who frequently use e-mail with patients. Health communication. 2003;15(4):515-25.
6.    Feldman HJ, Axel L, Fishman GI, editors. Computer modeling of intracoronary stents undergoing MRI scanning: simulating electrogenesis. 16th IEEE Symposium Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2003 Proceedings; 2003: IEEE.
7.    Brennan P, Safran C. Report of conference track 3: patient empowerment. International journal of medical informatics. 2003;69(2-3):301-4.

2002 (3)

1.    Safran C. Health care in the information society. International journal of medical informatics. 2002;66(1-3):23-4.
2.    Safran C. Presentation of Morris F. Collen Award to professors Howard Bleich and Warner Slack. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2002;9(4):406-8.
3.    Haukoos JS, Witt MD, Zeumer CM, Lee TJ, Halamka JD, Lewis RJ. Emergency department triage of patients infected with HIV. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. 2002;9(9):880-8.

2001 (7)

1.    Sands DZ, Rind DM, Safran C. Dissemination of electronic patient records using primary care referrals as a vector for change. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2001;84(Pt 1):685-9.
2.    Safran C. Presentation of the Morris F. Collen award to Jean-Raoul Scherrer, MD. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2001;8(3):291-3.
3.    Safran C. msJAMA. Electronic medical records: a decade of experience. Jama. 2001;285(13):1766.
4.    Nathanson LA, Safran C, McClennen S, Goldberger AL. ECG Wave-Maven: a self-assessment program for students and clinicians. Proceedings AMIA Symposium. 2001:488-92.
5.    Kim JH, Ferziger R, Kawaloff HB, Sands DZ, Safran C, Slack WV. A web-based rapid prototyping and clinical conversational system that complements electronic patient record system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2001;84(Pt 1):628-32.
6.    Goldberg HS, Morales A, Gottlieb L, Meador L, Safran C. Reinventing patient-centered computing for the twenty-first century. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2001;84(Pt 2):1455-8.
7.    Coletti MH, Bleich HL. Medical subject headings used to search the biomedical literature. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2001;8(4):317-23.

2000 (10)

1.    Schoenberg R, Safran C, Sands DZ. Studying clinician-computer interaction in Web-based systems. Proceedings AMIA Symposium. 2000:774-8.
2.    Schoenberg R, Safran C. Internet based repository of medical records that retains patient confidentiality. Bmj. 2000;321(7270):1199-203.
3.    Schoenberg R, Nathanson L, Safran C, Sands DZ. Weaving the Web into legacy information systems. Proceedings AMIA Symposium. 2000:769-73.
4    Safran C, Goldberg H. Electronic patient records and the impact of the Internet. International journal of medical informatics. 2000;60(2):77-83.
5.    Rosen MP, Sands DZ, Morris J, Drake W, Davis RB. Does a physician's ability to accurately assess the likelihood of pulmonary embolism increase with training? Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2000;75(12):1199-205.
6.    Rosen MP, Sands DZ, Longmaid HE, 3rd, Reynolds KF, Wagner M, Raptopoulos V. Impact of abdominal CT on the management of patients presenting to the emergency department with acute abdominal pain. AJR American journal of roentgenology. 2000;174(5):1391-6.
7.    Rosen MP, Sands DZ, Kuntz KM. Physicians' attitudes toward misdiagnosis of pulmonary embolism: a utility analysis. Academic radiology. 2000;7(1):14-20.
8.    Patel VL, Cytryn KN, Shortliffe EH, Safran C. The collaborative health care team: the role of individual and group expertise. Teaching and learning in medicine. 2000;12(3):117-32.
9.    Marin H, Bourie P, Safran C. [Development of an alarm system for the prevention of falls in hospitalized patients]. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem. 2000;8(3):27-32.
10.    Gray JE, Safran C, Davis RB, Pompilio-Weitzner G, Stewart JE, Zaccagnini L, Pursley D. Baby CareLink: using the internet and telemedicine to improve care for high-risk infants. Pediatrics. 2000;106(6):1318-24.

1999 (8)

1.    Slack WV, Bleich HL. The CCC system in two teaching hospitals: a progress report. International journal of medical informatics. 1999;54(3):183-96.
2.    Slack WV. The patient online. American journal of preventive medicine. 1999;16(1):43-5.
3.    Sands DZ. Electronic patient-centered communication: managing risks, managing opportunities, managing care. The American journal of managed care. 1999;5(12):1569-71.
4.    Sands DR, Wexner SD. Nasogastric tubes and dietary advancement after laparoscopic and open colorectal surgery. Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif). 1999;15(5):347-50.
5.    Safran C, Sands DZ, Rind DM. Online medical records: a decade of experience. Methods of information in medicine. 1999;38(4-5):308-12.
6.    Iserson KV, Adams J, Cordell WH, Graff L, Halamka J, Ling L, Peacock WF, Sklar D, Stair T. Academic emergency medicine's future. The SAEM Task Force on Emergency Medicine's Future. Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. 1999;6(2):137-44.
7.    Halamka JD, Osterland C, Safran C. CareWeb, a web-based medical record for an integrated health care delivery system. International journal of medical informatics. 1999;54(1):1-8.
8.    Dierks MM, Sands DZ, Safran C. Re-engineering the process of surgical informed consent. Proceedings AMIA Symposium. 1999:731-5.

1998 (17)

1.    Slack WV. Cybermedicine: how computing empowers patients for better health care. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1998;52 Pt 1:3-5.
2.    Sands DZ, Rind DM, Vieira C, Safran C. Can a large institution go paperless? Stud Health Technol Inform. 1998;52 Pt 1:60-3.
3.    Safran C, Jones PC, Rind D, Bush B, Cytryn KN, Patel VL. Electronic communication and collaboration in a health care practice. Artificial intelligence in medicine. 1998;12(2):137-51.
4.    Rind DM, Safran C. Confidentiality principles for medical records on the World Wide Web. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1998;52 Pt 2:1148-50.
5.    Meador L, Zimmerman EC, Safran C. The millennium bug: a prescription for action. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1998;52 Pt 2:973-6.
6.    Meador CL, Freeman LG, Zimmermann EC, Safran C. The millennium bug: a patient-centered approach to diagnosis and treatment. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1998;15(2):88-94.
7.    Law V, Goldberg HS, Jones P, Safran C. A component-based problem list subsystem for the HOLON testbed. Health Object Library Online. Proceedings AMIA Symposium. 1998:411-5.
8.    Kane B, Sands DZ. Guidelines for the clinical use of electronic mail with patients. The AMIA Internet Working Group, Task Force on Guidelines for the Use of Clinic-Patient Electronic Mail. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 1998;5(1):104-11.
9.    Halamka JD, Safran C. CareWeb, a web-based medical record for an integrated healthcare delivery system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1998;52 Pt 1:36-9.
10.    Halamka JD, Hughes M, Mack J, Hurwitz M, Davis F, Wood D, Borten K, Saal AK. Managing care in an integrated delivery system via an Intranet. Proceedings AMIA Symposium. 1998:401-5.
11.    Halamka JD. Web technology for emergency medicine and secure transmission of electronic patient records. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1998;15(4):232-7.
12.    Gray J, Pompilio-Weitzner G, Jones PC, Wang Q, Coriat M, Safran C. Baby CareLink: development and implementation of a WWW-based system for neonatal home telemedicine. Proceedings AMIA Symposium. 1998:351-5.
13.    Gray J, Jones PC, Phillips M, Veroff D, Safran C. Telematics in the neonatal ICU and beyond: improving care, communication and information sharing. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1998;52 Pt 1:294-7.
14.    Goldberg HS, Hsu C, Law V, Safran C. Validation of clinical problems using a UMLS-based semantic parser. Proceedings AMIA Symposium. 1998:805-9.
15.    Goldberg H, Goldsmith D, Law V, Keck K, Tuttle M, Safran C. An evaluation of UMLS as a controlled terminology for the Problem List Toolkit. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1998;52 Pt 1:609-12.
16.    Bourie PQ, Ferrenberg VA, McKay M, Halamka JD, Safran C. Implementation of an on-line Emergency Unit nursing system. Proceedings AMIA Symposium. 1998:330-3.
17.    Bleich HL. Why good hospitals get bad computing. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1998;52 Pt 2:969-72.

1997 (10)

1.    Slack WV. Claude Shannon and communication theory. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1997;14(4):262-4.
2.    Slack WV. Private information in the hands of strangers. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1997;14(2):83-6.
3.    Slack WV. The issue of privacy. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1997;14(1):8-11.
4    Safran C. Privatization of a journal. Science (New York, NY). 1997;277(5324):299-300.
5.    Rind DM, Kohane IS, Szolovits P, Safran C, Chueh HC, Barnett GO. Maintaining the confidentiality of medical records shared over the Internet and the World Wide Web. Annals of internal medicine. 1997;127(2):138-41.
6.    Rind DM. Evaluating commercial computing systems. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1997;14(1):6-7.
7.    Halamka JD, Szolovits P, Rind D, Safran C. A WWW implementation of national recommendations for protecting electronic health information. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 1997;4(6):458-64.
8.    Halamka JD, Safran C. Virtual consolidation of Boston's Beth Israel and New England Deaconess Hospitals via the World Wide Web. Proceedings : a conference of the American Medical Informatics Association AMIA Fall Symposium. 1997:349-53.
9.    Gray J, Jones PC, Phillips M, Gertman P, Veroff D, Safran C. Telematics in the neonatal ICU and beyond: improving care for high-risk newborns and their families. Proceedings : a conference of the American Medical Informatics Association AMIA Fall Symposium. 1997:413-7.
10.    Einbinder JS, Klein DA, Safran CS. Making effective referrals: a knowledge-management approach. Proceedings : a conference of the American Medical Informatics Association AMIA Fall Symposium. 1997:330-4.

1996 (10)

1.    Slack WV. When the home is also the clinic. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1996;13(6):465-6, 8.
2.    Slack W. The sociology of clinical computing. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1996;13(5):375-6.
3.    Slack W. A Brazilian issue. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1996;13(2):111, 3, 5-6.
4.    Safran C, Rind DM, Sands DZ, Davis RB, Wald J, Slack WV. Development of a knowledge-based electronic patient record. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1996;13(1):46-54, 63.
5.    Safran C, Rind DM, Davis RB, Ives D, Sands DZ, Currier J, Slack WV, Cotton DJ, Makadon HJ. Effects of a knowledge-based electronic patient record in adherence to practice guidelines. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1996;13(1):55-63.
6.    Safran C, Gertman P. An update on speech recognition. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1996;13(3):207-9.
7.    Safran C. The electronic patient record: who is at risk? MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1996;13(4):300.
8.    Locke SE, Rezza ME. Computer-based education in mental health. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1996;13(1):10-8, 20-45, 102.
9.    Levine JB, Covino NA, Slack WV, Safran C, Safran DB, Boro JE, Davis RB, Buchanan GM, Gervino EV. Psychological predictors of subsequent medical care among patients hospitalized with cardiac disease. Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation. 1996;16(2):109-16.
10.    Bleich HL. Keeve Brodman and the Cornell Medical Index. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1996;13(2):119-20, 22, 24 passim.

1995 (20)

1.    Wald JS, Rind D, Safran C, Kowaloff H, Barker R, Slack WV. Patient entries in the electronic medical record: an interactive interview used in primary care. Proceedings Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 1995:147-51.
2.    Slack WV, Safran C, Kowaloff HB, Pearce J, Delbanco TL. A computer-administered health screening interview for hospital personnel. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1995;12(1):25-30.
3.    Slack WV. Academic little league. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1995;12(5):325-6, 9.
4.    Slack WV. Measurement of intelligence: misplaced trust and the lure of prophecy. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1995;12(5):363-72.
5.    Slack WV. Principles of clinical computing. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1995;12(4):245.
6.    Sands DZ, Safran C. Patient precautions: a forgotten piece of the electronic patient record. Proceedings Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 1995:77-80.
7.    Sands DZ, Libman H, Safran C. Meeting information needs: analysis of clinicians' use of an HIV database through an electronic medical record. Medinfo. 1995;8 Pt 1:323-6.
8.    Safran C, Rind DM, Davis RB, Sands DZ, Caraballo E, Rippel K, Wang Q, Rury C, Makadon H.J Cotton DJ.
A clinical trial of a knowledge-based medical record. Medinfo. 1995;8 Pt 2:1076-80.
9.    Safran C, Rind DM, Davis RB, Ives D, Sands DZ, Currier J, Slack WV, Makadon HJ, Cotton DJ. Guidelines for management of HIV infection with computer-based patient's record. Lancet (London, England). 1995;346(8971):341-6.
10.    Safran C, Rind D, Citroen M, Bakker AR, Slack WV, Bleich HL. Protection of confidentiality in the computer-based patient record. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1995;12(3):187-92.
11.    Safran C, Chute CG. Exploration and exploitation of clinical databases. International journal of bio-medical computing. 1995;39(1):151-6.
12.    Safran C. Searching for answers on a clinical information system. Methods of information in medicine. 1995;34(1-2):79-84.
13.    Safran C. Another reason to go to Paris. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1995;12(1):8.
14.    Rind DM, Davis R, Safran C. Designing studies of computer-based alerts and reminders. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1995;12(2):122-6.
15.    McCray AT, Scherrer JR, Safran C, Chute CG. Concepts, knowledge, and language in health-care information systems. Methods of information in medicine. 1995;34(1-2):1-4.
16.    Einbinder JS, Rury C, Safran C. Outcomes research using the electronic patient record: Beth Israel Hospital's experience with anticoagulation. Proceedings Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 1995:819-23.
17.    Degoulet P, Jean FC, Safran C. The health care professional multimedia workstation: development and integration issues. International journal of bio-medical computing. 1995;39(1):119-25.
18.    Bleich HL. An inventor named Nikola Tesla. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1995;12(2):81-6.
19.    Bleich HL. The science and ethics of the randomized clinical trial. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1995;12(1):5-6.
20.    Bleich HL. Alan Turing: the machine, the enigma, and the test. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1995;12(5):330, 3-4.

1994 (14)

1.    Slack WV. Trends in health policy: heading home. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1994;11(6):341-2.
2.    Slack WV. A trip down under. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1994;11(5):272-8.
3.    Sands DZ, Safran C. Closing the loop of patient care--a clinical trial of a computerized discharge medication program. Proceedings Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 1994:841-5.
4.    Safran C, Gladstone S, Lo E, Boro JE, Slack WV. Trends in computer applications in medical care. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1994;11(3):155-9.
5.    Safran C. Online medical records save time & energy. Healthcare informatics : the business magazine for information and communication systems. 1994;11(10):81-2, 4.
6.    Safran C. Defining clinical 'workstation'. International journal of bio-medical computing. 1994;34(1-4):261-5.
7.    Rind DM, Safran C, Phillips RS, Wang Q, Calkins DR, Delbanco TL, Bleich HL, Slack WV. Effect of computer-based alerts on the treatment and outcomes of hospitalized patients. Archives of internal medicine. 1994;154(13):1511-7.
8.    Locke SE, Kowaloff HB, Hoff RG, Safran C, Popovsky MA, Cotton DJ, Finkelstein DM, Page PL, Slack WV.
Computer interview for screening blood donors for risk of HIV transmission. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1994;11(1):26-32.
9.    Gehanno P, Barry B, Bobin S, Safran C. Twice daily cefpodoxime proxetil compared with thrice daily amoxicillin/clavulanic acid for treatment of acute otitis media in children. Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases. 1994;26(5):577-84.
10.    Degoulet P, Safran C, Bowers GH. Design and processing issues for the health care professional workstation: summary and recommendations. International journal of bio-medical computing. 1994;34(1-4):241-7.
11.    Bleich HL. The Kaiser Permanente health plan, Dr. Morris F. Collen, and automated multiphasic testing. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1994;11(3):136-9.
12.    Bleich HL. Wesley A. Clark, Charles E. Molnar, and the LINC. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1994;11(5):269-70.
13.    Bleich HL. Sidney R. Garfield and the crisis in health care. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1994;11(1):5-6.
14.    Bingen E, Rangaraj M, Safran C. Ribotyping differentiates relapse from reinfection in the treatment failures of Escherichia coli urinary tract infections in children. Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease. 1994;18(4):263-5.

1993 (13)

1.    Slack WV, Safran C, Kowaloff HB, Pearce J, Delbanco TL. Be well!: a computer-based health care interview for hospital personnel. Proceedings Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 1993:12-6.
2.    Slack WV. Assessing the clinician's use of computers. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1993;10(6):357-60.
3.    Slack WV. On walking in America. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1993;10(5):285.
4.    Slack WV. Trends in journalism. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1993;10(2):69.
5.    Sands DZ, Safran C, Slack WV, Bleich HL. Use of electronic mail in a teaching hospital. Proceedings Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 1993:306-10.
6.    Safran C, Rind DM, Davis RM, Currier J, Ives D, Sands DZ, Slack WV, Makadon H, Cotton, D. An electronic medical record that helps care for patients with HIV infection. Proceedings Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 1993:224-8.
7.    Safran C. Using information technology to fight AIDS. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1993;10(5):292-3.
8.    Safran C. Defining clinical workstation. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1993;10(3):145-6, 92.
9.    Rind DM, Safran C. Real and imagined barriers to an electronic medical record. Proceedings Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 1993:74-8.
10.    Bleich HL. Howard Raiffa and the discovery of decision analysis. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1993;10(5):286-7.
11.    Bleich HL. John von Neumann. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1993;10(3):141-4.
12.    Bleich HL. Lawrence L. Weed and the problem-oriented medical record. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1993;10(2):70-1.
13.    Bleich HL. Critique of an evaluation of software for searching MEDLINE. Proceedings Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 1993:591-5.

1992 (12)

1.    Slack WV, Boro ES, Bleich HL. Barriers to clinical computing: what physicians can do. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1992;9(5):278-80.
2.    Slack WV. When the machine stops. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1992;9(1):6, 8, 10.
3.    Slack WV. Democracy and the computer in America. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1992;9(6):341-2.
4.    Slack WV. The forces of bureaucracy. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1992;9(3):133-5.
5.    Slack WV. Magnetic disk technology. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1992;9(2):74-5.
6.    Locke SE, Kowaloff HB, Hoff RG, Safran C, Popovsky MA, Cotton DJ, Finkelstein DM, Page PL, Slack WV.
Computer-based interview for screening blood donors for risk of HIV transmission. Jama. 1992;268(10):1301-5.
7.    Bleich HL, Slack WV. Designing a hospital information system: a comparison of interfaced and integrated systems. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1992;9(5):293-6.
8.    Bleich HL. The doc and the dough. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1992;9(5):282-3.
9.    Bleich HL. Medical practice and statistical analysis. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1992;9(5):281.
10.    Bleich HL. Charles Babbage and his steam-driven computer. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1992;9(2):69-73.
11.    Bleich HL. Diagnostica mathematica. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1992;9(1):11.
12.    Bleich H. George Boole, mathematical logic, and the modern computer. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1992;9(3):136.

1991 (12)

1.    Stead WW. Systems for the year 2000: the case for an integrated database. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1991;8(2):103-4, 6-10.
2.    Slack WV. The human genome. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1991;8(3):136-8.
3.    Slack WV. The handheld calculator. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1991;8(1):8-10.
4.    Safran C, Rury C, Rind DM, Taylor WC. Outpatient medical records for a teaching hospital: beginning the physician-computer dialogue. Proceedings Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 1991:114-8.
5.    Safran C, Rury C, Rind DM, Taylor WC. A computer-based outpatient medical record for a teaching hospital. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1991;8(5):291-9.
6.    Safran C. Using routinely collected data for clinical research. Statistics in medicine. 1991;10(4):559-64.
7.    Safran C. The Fibonacci numbers. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1991;8(4):204-7.
8.    Safran C. The mouse-waving principle. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1991;8(1):4.
9.    Rind DM, Safran C, Phillips RS, Slack WV, Calkins DR, Delbanco TL, Bleich HL. The effect of computer-based reminders on the management of hospitalized patients with worsening renal function. Proceedings Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 1991:28-32.
10.    Herrmann FR, Safran C. Exploring a hospital-wide database: integrating statistical functions with ClinQuery. Proceedings Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 1991:583-7.
11.    Bleich HL. Enemy radar, theoretical physics, and computer-assisted diagnosis. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1991;8(5):269-70.
12    Bleich HL. Classic articles in medical computing. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1991;8(3):132, 4.

1990 (10)

1.    Slack WV, Porter D, Balkin P, Kowaloff HB, Slack CW. Computer-assisted soliloquy as an approach to psychotherapy. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1990;7(1):37-42, 58.
2.    Slack WV. Type 1 and type 2 administrators. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1990;7(2):69-70.
3.    Slack WV. Neural networks in plants? MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1990;7(1):6-8.
4.    Slack WV. A brief treatise on the academic committee. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1990;7(5):282-4.
5    Slack WV. An invasion of mercy. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1990;7(4):196-7.
6.    Safran C, Porter D, Rury CD, Herrmann FR, Lightfoot J, Underhill LH, Bleich H, Slack WV.
ClinQuery: searching a large clinical database. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1990;7(3):144-53.
7.    Safran C, Herrmann F, Rind D, Kowaloff HB, Bleich HL, Slack WV. Computer-based support for clinical decision making. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1990;7(5):319-22.
8.    Safran C. Cefpodoxime proxetil: dosage, efficacy and tolerance in adults suffering from respiratory tract infections. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy. 1990;26 Suppl E:93-101.
9.    Safran C. Computing across the Atlantic. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1990;7(2):68-9.
10.    Gouyon JB, Pechinot A, Safran C, Chretien P, Sandre D, Kazmierczak A. Pharmacokinetics of cefotaxime in preterm infants. Developmental pharmacology and therapeutics. 1990;14(1):29-34.

1989 (13)

1.    Slack WV. The computer and the doctor-patient relationship. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1989;6(6):320-1.
2    Slack WV. Trouble in Zhongguo. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1989;6(5):258-9.
3.    Slack WV. Remembrance, thanks, and welcome. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1    989;6(4):183-5.
4.    Slack WV. The soul of a new system: a modern parable. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1989;6(3):137-40.
5.    Safran C, Slack WV, Bleich HL. Role of computing in patient care in two hospitals. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1989;6(3):141-8.
6.    Safran C, Porter D, Lightfoot J, Rury CD, Underhill LH, Bleich HL, Slack WV. ClinQuery: a system for online searching of data in a teaching hospital. Annals of internal medicine. 1989;111(9):751-6.
7.    Safran C, Phillips RS. Interventions to prevent readmission. The constraints of cost and efficacy. Medical care. 1989;27(2):204-11.
8.    Phillips RS, Safran C, Aronson MD, Taylor WC. Should women be tested for gonococcal infection of the cervix during routine gynecologic visits? An economic appraisal. The American journal of medicine. 1989;86(3):297-302.
9.    Melski JW, Tanenbaum L, Parrish JA, Fitzpatrick TB, Bleich HL. Oral methoxsalen photochemotherapy for the treatment of psoriasis: a cooperative clinical trial. 1977. The Journal of investigative dermatology. 1989;92(4 Suppl):153S; discussion 4S-6S.
10.    Melski JW, Caplan LR, Mohr JP, Geer DE, Bleich HL. Modeling the diagnosis of stroke at two hospitals. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1989;6(3):157-63.
11.    Bleich HL, Slack WV. Clinical computing. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1989;6(3):132-5.
12.    Bleich HL, Safran C, Slack WV. Departmental and laboratory computing in two hospitals. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1989;6(3):149-55.
13.    Bleich HL. The clinical implications of venous carbon dioxide tension. The New England journal of medicine. 1989;320(20):1345-6.

1988 (4)

1.    Underhill LH, Goldsmith C, Jackson JD, Bleich HL. PaperChase: computerized bibliographical retrieval for the physician. The Journal of medical practice management : MPM. 1988;3(4):255-63.
2.    Slack WV, Leviton A, Bennett SE, Fleischmann KH, Lawrence RS. Relation between age, education, and time to respond to questions in a computer-based medical interview. Computers and biomedical research, an international journal. 1988;21(1):78-84.
3    Safran C, Greenes RA, Bynum TE, Kierstead ML. Diagnosis of cholestasis: an analytic view. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making. 1988;8(2):102-9.
4.    Porter D, Wigton RS, Reidelbach MA, Bleich HL, Slack WV. Self-service computerized bibliographic retrieval: a comparison of Colleague and PaperChase, programs that search the MEDLINE data base. Computers and biomedical research, an international journal. 1988;21(5):488-501.

1987 (4)

1.    Slack WV, Bleich HL. PaperChase. Annals of internal medicine. 1987;106(5):782-3.
2.    Safran C, Porter D, Slack WV, Bleich HL. Diagnosis-related groups. A critical assessment of the provision for comorbidity. Medical care. 1987;25(10):1011-4.
3.    Ryan P, Winand D, Bleich HL, Slack WV, Porter D. Computer searching of the medical literature. Annals of internal medicine. 1987;106(1):168-9.
4.    Phillips RS, Safran C, Cleary PD, Delbanco TL. Predicting emergency readmissions for patients discharged from the medical service of a teaching hospital. Journal of general internal medicine. 1987;2(6):400-5.
5    Phillips RS, Aronson MD, Taylor WC, Safran C. Should tests for Chlamydia trachomatis cervical infection be done during routine gynecologic visits? An analysis of the costs of alternative strategies. Annals of internal medicine. 1987;107(2):188-94.

1986 (1)

1.    Underhill LH, Bleich HL. Bringing the medical literature to physicians. Self-service computerized bibliographic retrieval. The Western journal of medicine. 1986;145(6):853-8.

1985 (4)

1.    Witschi JC, Ellison RC, Doane DD, Vorkink GL, Slack WV, Stare FJ. Dietary sodium reduction among students: feasibility and acceptance. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1985;85(7):816-21.
2.    Stern RS, Parrish JA, Fitzpatrick TB, Bleich HL. Actinic degeneration in association with long-term use of PUVA. The Journal of investigative dermatology. 1985;84(2):135-8.
3.    Bleich HL, Jackson JD, Rosenberg HA. PaperChase: a program to search the medical literature. MD c    omputing : computers in medical practice. 1985;2(2):54-8.
4.    Bleich HL, Beckley RF, Horowitz GL, Jackson JD, Moody ES, Franklin C, Goodman SR, McKay MW, Pope RA, Walden T. Clinical computing in a teaching hospital. The New England journal of medicine. 1985;312(12):756-64.

1984 (6)

1.    Stern RS, Laird N, Melski J, Parrish JA, Fitzpatrick TB, Bleich HL. Cutaneous squamous-cell carcinoma in patients treated with PUVA. The New England journal of medicine. 1984;310(18):1156-61.
2.    Slack WV. A history of computerized medical interviews. MD computing: computers in medical practice. 1984;1(5):52-9, 68.
3.    Safran C. Issues in medical information science. Medical informatics = Medecine et informatique. 1984;9(3-4):217-8.
4.    Leviton A, Slack WV, Masek B, Bana D, Graham JR. A computerized behavioral assessment for children with headaches. Headache. 1984;24(2):182-5.
5.    Leviton A, Slack WV, Bana D, Graham JR. Age-related headache characteristics. Archives of neurology. 1984;41(7):762-4.
6.    Halamka J, Gray JW, Gledhill BL, Lake S, Wyrobek AJ. Estimation of the frequency of malformed sperm by slit scan flow cytometry. Cytometry. 1984;5(4):333-8.

1983 (4)

1.    Safran C, Greenes RA, Bynum TE. Diagnostic strategy for obstructive jaundice. Annals of internal medicine. 1983;99(4):571-2.
2.    Horowitz GL, Jackson JD, Bleich HL. PaperChase. Self-service bibliographic retrieval. Jama. 1983;250(18):2494-9.
3.    Horowitz GL, Jackson JD, Bleich HL. PaperChase: computerized bibliographic retrieval to answer clinical questions. Methods of information in medicine. 1983;22(4):183-8.
4.    Bennett SE, Lawrence RS, Fleischmann KH, Gifford CS, Slack WV. Profile of women practicing breast self-examination. Jama. 1983;249(4):488-91.

1982 (8)

1.    Rutherford CJ, Desforges JF, Barnett AI, Safran C, Davies B. The decision between single- and combined-modality therapy in Hodgkin's disease. The American journal of medicine. 1982;72(1):63-70.
2.    Pope RA, Mattson CJ, Janousek JP, Slack WV. A computer-based i.v. admixture system. Methods of information in medicine. 1982;21(2):65-9.
3.    Moore MJ, Bleich HL. Consulting the computer about acid-base disorders. Respiratory care. 1982;27(7):834-8.

1981 (6)

1.    Witschi J, Kowaloff H, Bloom S, Slack W. Analysis of dietary data; an interactive computer method for storage and retrieval. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1981;78(6):609-13.
2.    Stern RS, Thibodeau LA, Kleinerman RA, Parrish JA, Fitzpatrick TB, Bleich HL. Effect of methoxsalen photochemotherapy on cost of treatment for psoriasis. An example of technological assessment. Jama. 1981;245(19):1913-8.
3.    Porter D, Leviton A, Slack WV, Graham JR. A headache chronicle: the daily recording of headaches and their correlates. Journal of chronic diseases. 1981;34(9-10):481-6.
4.    Leeming BW, Porter D, Jackson JD, Bleich HL, Simon M. Computerized radiologic reporting with voice data-entry. Radiology. 1981;138(3):585-8.
5.    Horowitz GL, Bleich HL. PaperChase: a computer program to search the medical literature. The New England journal of medicine. 1981;305(16):924-30.
6.    Bana DS, Leviton A, Slack WV, Geer DE, Graham JR. Use of a computerized data base in a headache clinic. Headache. 1981;21(2):72-4.

1980 (4)

1.    Stern RS, Kleinerman RA, Parrish JA, Fitzpatrick TB, Bleich HL. Phototoxic reactions to photoactive drugs in patients treated with PUVA. Archives of dermatology. 1980;116(11):1269-71.
2.    Schulman J, Leviton A, Slack W, Porter D, Graham JR. The relationship of headache occurrence to barometric pressure. International journal of biometeorology. 1980;24(3):263-9.
3.    Leviton A, Schulman J, Kammerman L, Porter D, Slack W, Graham JR. A probability model of headache recurrence. Journal of chronic diseases. 1980;33(7):407-12.
4.    Bana DS, Leviton A, Swidler C, Slack W, Graham JR. A computer-based headache interview: acceptance by patients and physicians. Headache. 1980;20(2):85-9.

1979 (1)

1.    Leeming BW, Simon M, Jackson JD, Horowitz GL, Bleich HL. Advances in radiologic reporting with Computerized Language Information Processing (CLIP). Radiology. 1979;133(2):349-53.

1978 (3)

1.    Rabinowitz SH, Lown B, Slack WV. Recourse to a computer for teaching the proper use of nitroglycerin. American heart journal. 1978;96(5):703-4.
2.    Melski JW, Geer DE, Bleich HL. Medical information storage and retrieval using preprocessed variables. Computers and biomedical research, an international journal. 1978;11(6):613-21.
3.    Bloom SM, White RJ, Beckley RF, Slack WV. Converse: a means to write, edit, administer, and summarize computer-based dialogue. Computers and biomedical research, an international journal. 1978;11(2):167-75.

1977 (10)

1.    Slack WV. The patient's right to decide. Lancet (London, England). 1977;2(8031):240.
2.    Safran C, Tsichlis PN, Bluming AZ, Desforges JF. Diagnostic planning using computer assisted decision-making for patients with Hodgkin's disease. Cancer. 1977;39(6):2426-34.
3.    Safran C, Desforges JF, Tsichlis PN, Bluming AZ. Decision analysis to evaluate lymphangiography in the management of patients with Hodgkin's disease. The New England journal of medicine. 1977;296(19):1088-92.
4    Reich PR, Geer DE, Jr., Bleich HL. A computer program for the diagnosis of hematologic disorders. American journal of hematology. 1977;3:127-35.
5.    Melski JW, Tanenbaum L, Parrish JA, Fitzpatrick TB, Bleich HL. Oral methoxsalen photochemotherapy for the treatment of psoriasis: a cooperative clinical trial. The Journal of investigative dermatology. 1977;68(6):328-35.
6.    Fisher LA, Johnson TS, Porter D, Bleich HL, Slack WV. Collection of a clean voided urine specimen: a comparison among spoken, written, and computer-based instructions. American journal of public health. 1977;67(7):640-4.
7.    Bleich HL, Boro ES, Rowe JW. Clinical research on aging: strategies and directions. The New England journal of medicine. 1977;297(24):1332-6.
8.    Bleich HL, Boro ES. Systemic hypertension and the relaxation response. The New England journal of medicine. 1977;296(20):1152-6.
9.    Bleich HL, Boro ES. Metabolic and hepatic effects of alcohol. The New England journal of medicine. 1977;296(11):612-6.
10.    Beckley RF, Bleich HL. Paper chase: a computer-based reprint storage and retrieval system. Computers and biomedical research, an international journal. 1977;10(4):423-30.

1976 (5)

1.    Witschi J, Porter D, Vogel S, Buxbaum R, Stare FJ, Slack W. A computer-based dietary counseling system. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1976;69(4):385-90.
2.    Slack W, Porter D, Witschi J, Sullivan M, Buxbaum R, Stare FJ. Dietary interviewing by computer. An experimental approach to counseling. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1976;69(5):514-7.
3.    Chun RW, Van Cura LJ, Spencer M, Slack WV. Computer interviewing of patients with epilepsy. Epilepsia. 1976;17(4):371-5.
4.    Bleich HL, Boro ES. Control of lymphocyte function. The New England journal of medicine. 1976;295(21):1180-6.
5.    Bleich HL, Boro ES. Antidiuretic hormone. The New England journal of medicine. 1976;295(12):659-65.

1975 (4)

1.    Briccetti AB, Bleich HL. A computer program that evaluates patients with hypercalcemia. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 1975;41(2):365-72.
2.    Bleigh HL, Boro ES, Slack WV. Sounding board: banking on ranking. The New England journal of medicine. 1975;293(11):556-7.
3.    Bleich HL, Boro ES. Cell kinetics and practical consequences for therapy of acute leukemia. The New England journal of medicine. 1975;293(8):389-93.
4.    Bleich HL, Boro ES. Initiation of thyroid-hormone action. The New England journal of medicine. 1975;292(20):1063-8.

1974 (3)

1.    Simon M, Leeming BW, Bleich HL, Reiffen B, Byrd J, Blair D, Shimm D. Computerized radiology reporting using coded language. Radiology. 1974;113(2):343-9.
2.    Hadley TP, Geer DE, Bleich HL, Freedberg IM. The use of digital computers in dermatologic diagnosis: computer-aided diagnosis of febrile illness with eruption. The Journal of investigative dermatology. 1974;62(4):467-72.
3.    Bleich HL. Computerized clinical diagnosis. Federation proceedings. 1974;33(12):2317-9.

1973 (1)

1.    Bleich HL, Roberts AS. II. Electrolyte and acid-base equilibrium. The Physiologist. 1973;16(4):644-9.

1972 (4)

1.    Slack WV, Slack CW. Patient-computer dialogue. The New England journal of medicine. 1972;286(24):1304-9.
2.    Rothenberg R, Bleich HL. Tertiary care and primary prevention. The New England journal of medicine. 1972;286(10):548-9.
3.    Gilchrest BA, Deykin D, Bleich HL. A computer-based teaching program in hemostasis. Blood. 1972;40(4):560-7.
4.    Bleich HL. Computer-based consultation. Electrolyte and acid-base disorders. The American journal of medicine. 1972;53(3):285-91.

1971 (7)

1.    Van Cura LJ, Slack WV, Frey SR. Elements of a computer medical interview system. Biomedical sciences instrumentation. 1971;8:33-42.
2.    Slack W. Computer-based interviewing system dealing with nonverbal behavior as well as keyboard responses. Science (New York, NY). 1971;171(3966):84-7.
3.    Sherman H, Reiffen B, Slack WV, Budd MA. The ambulatory care service: new tools for medical care delivery. Biomedical sciences instrumentation. 1971;8:5.
4.    Maultsby MC, Jr., Slack WV. A computer-based psychiatry history system. Archives of general psychiatry. 1971;25(6):570-2.
5.    Karpinski RH, Bleich HL. MISAR: a miniature information storage and retrieval system. Computers and biomedical research, an international journal. 1971;4(6):655-60.
6.    Bleich HL. Prognosis by calculation. The New England journal of medicine. 1971;285(27):1533-4.
7.    Bleich HL. The computer as a consultant. The New England journal of medicine. 1971;284(3):141-7.

1970 (2)

1.    Slack WV, Van Cura LJ, Greist JH. Computers and doctors: use and consequences. Computers and biomedical research, an international journal. 1970;3(5):521-7.
2.    Greist JH, Slack WV. A computer-conducted interview for intern applicants. Journal of medical education. 1970;45(11):941-4.

1969 (1)
1.    Bleich HL. Computer evaluation of acid-base disorders. The Journal of clinical investigation. 1969;48(9):1689-96.

1968 (4)
1.    Slack WV, Van Cura LJ. Patient reaction to computer-based medical interviewing. Computers and biomedical research, an international journal. 1968;1(5):527-31.
2.    Slack WV, Van Cura LJ. Computer-based patient interviewing. 1. Postgraduate medicine. 1968;43(3):68-74.
3.    Slack WV, Van Cura LJ. Computer-based patient interviewing. Postgraduate medicine. 1968;43(4):115-20 concl.
4.    Bleich HL. Computer evaluation of acid-base disorders. Transactions of the Association of American Physicians. 1968;81:184-9.

1967 (2)
1.    Slack WV, Peckham BM, Van Cura LJ, Carr WF. A computer-based physical examination system. Jama. 1967;200(3):224-8.
2.    Peckham BM, Slack WV, Carr WF, Van Cura LJ, Schultz AE. Computerized data collection in the management of uterine cancer. Clinical obstetrics and gynecology. 1967;10(4):1003-15.

1966 (5)

1.    Tannen RL, Bleich HL, Schwartz WB. The renal response to acid loads in metabolic alkalosis; an assessment of the mechanisms regulating acid excretion. The Journal of clinical investigation. 1966;45(4):562-72.
2.    Slack WV, Hicks GP, Reed CE, Van Cura LJ. A computer-based medical-history system. The New England journal of medicine. 1966;274(4):194-8.
3.    Hicks GP, Gieschen MM, Slack WV, Larson FC. Routine use of a small digital computer in the clinical laboratory. Jama. 1966;196(11):973-8.
4.    Bleich HL, Tannen RL, Schwartz WB. The induction of metabolic alkalosis by correction of potassium deficiency. The Journal of clinical investigation. 1966;45(4):573-9.
5.    Bleich HL, Schwartz WB. Tris buffer (THAM). An appraisal of its physiologic effects and clinical usefulness. The New England journal of medicine. 1966;274(14):782-7.

1965 (1)

1.    Bleich HL, Tannen RL, Schwartz WB. Induction of metabolic alkalosis by the correction of potassium deficiency. Transactions of the Association of American Physicians. 1965;78:82-9.